Post 6 – Written Communications

Written messages are frequently used in various situations, especially in businesses. And one important value that I’ve learned in the Businesses Writing class is using positive words even in cases like refusing requests, denying claims, or announcing bad news, to maintain good relationships with employees or customers. I haven’t actually worked in companies and have“Post 6 – Written Communications” 계속 읽기

Post 5 – Article Assignment

‘How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders’ Summary Today’s workplaces are changing. Such change is even more remarkable in the global pandemic situation. In the twentieth century,  top-down, and hierarchical approaches were considered as a effective leadership, and leaders often embraced the authoritarian leadership. But now, organizations are more focused on what they do, and“Post 5 – Article Assignment” 계속 읽기

Post 4 – Persuasive Messages

What is a persuasion? A persuasion is ‘making someone do something that benefits you’. It has elements of logos, pathos, and ethos. Logos appeals to logic. It is a way of persuading an audience with reason, using facts and figures. “Doctors all over the world recommend this type of treatment.” is an example. Pathos appeals“Post 4 – Persuasive Messages” 계속 읽기

Post 3 – Negative Messages

While you use the direct strategy to deliver positive messages, both direct and indirect strategies are used to deliver negative messages. Whether to use the direct or indirect strategy depends on the situation, the reaction you expect from receiver, and your goals (Guffey, 2016, p. 172). Direct strategy When the receiver values directness and brevity.“Post 3 – Negative Messages” 계속 읽기

Post 2 – Positive Neutral Messages

Direct strategy is used to deliver positive and neutral messages. When you expect the reader to be pleased, mildly interested or neutral, you have to put the main point in the first or second sentence. There are three advantages of using the direct strategy (Guffey, 2016, p. 60). Saves the reader’s time. Because you eliminate“Post 2 – Positive Neutral Messages” 계속 읽기

Post 1 – The Writing Process

The writing process consists of 3 phases: planning&prewriting, composing&writing, and revising (Guffey, 2016, p. 35). Planning&Prewriting works as a road map for what you are going to write. It is divided into three smaller phases: analyzing, anticipating and adapting. First, you have to analyze the purpose and the audience. It involves analyzing the situation, gathering“Post 1 – The Writing Process” 계속 읽기

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